Compound for the treatment of overweight and obesity

Compound for the treatment of overweight and obesity for tech transfer

According to the World Health Organization, overweight and obesity are described as abnormal or excessive accumulations of white adipose tissue (WAT). In the last forty years, the global incidence of obesity has tripled. This situation concerns health authorities because obesity and overweight are important risk factors for non-communicable diseases, such as type II diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Diet and physical activity plans are used to treat these conditions, but they are often complemented by medical treatment. However, these treatments present several side effects, such as loss of muscle mass, and therefore, it is still a challenge to find novel therapeutic approaches for obesity treatment.
Researchers from the University of Granada (UGR) have developed a technology based on the use of β-resorcylic acid (β-RA) to treat overweight and obesity, with the main advantage of preserving skeletal muscle mass.

This technology is based on β-resorcylic acid (β-RA), a compound that is obtained naturally in different plants. The researchers have conducted studies on β-RA for its use in reducing or preventing the accumulation of WAT. This molecule acts selectively by reducing the content of WAT, and without affecting skeletal muscle mass. It can be used as a treatment for obesity and overweight, but also as a complementary or preventive treatment for side diseases due to excessive accumulation of WAT. The β-RA could also be used as a nutraceutical complement for reducing WAT, applicable for humans and mammals. On a final note, its administration can be in different formats, being the oral form the preferred one.

Graphical abstract

The research group at the UGR carried out a series of in vivo tests in mice to demonstrate the usefulness of β-RA. In vitro tests were also performed to evaluate the effects and feasibility of β-RA.


  • Reduction or prevention of accumulation of white adipose tissue without affecting the content of muscle mass.
  • Effect against overweight and obesity, also beneficial to treat diseases linked to the accumulation of WAT, such as hepatic steatosis or non-alcoholic fatty liver.
  • Reduction of the plasma levels of insulin, GIP and leptin.
  • The effect is homogeneous in animals fed under both high-carbohydrate or highfatty diets.
  • Highly available raw material, since the β-RA is a natural botanical compound.
  • The invention is designed to be administered in multiple forms and applicable to both human and animal health.

The represented institution is looking for a collaboration that leads to commercial exploitation of the presented invention.

Institution: Universidad de Granada.

TRL: 3-4

Protection status: Spanish Patent Application

Contact: Noelia Mas /